Refrigerator Isn’t Cooling Properly? Contact Refrigerator Service Immediately

Bacteria is present everywhere in your surroundings; ranging from air to soil, water and even in food. They thrive and multiple on substances that provide them with suitable nutrients, moisture and temperatures. Refrigerators are the only appliance that can help you stay safe from bacteria. Refrigerator malfunctioning is an annoying problem and can put us under a lot of stress. One of the most commonly-faced refrigerator problems is the cooling issue. If you are facing any of the below-given signs then it is time to opt for a refrigerator repair soon. What Causes Cooling Issues in Refrigerators? There might be numerous reasons behind cooling problems in the refrigerator. However, listed below are some of the most common ones that you should know about. Loose Gasket People often overlook loose gaskets. The gaskets are the rubber magnetic sealing that you would find on the refrigerator door. These gaskets can sometimes become loose or get torn because of repetitive usa...